Every time you publish something, from an email or blog post to a brochure or your website, you need to prove time and time again that you’re a capable professional worthy of earning someone as a new customer. It’s all about perception. You want your marketing materials to demonstrate your ability to communicate persuasively and […]
Archives for April 2012
Secret of marketing success: Deliver ahead of schedule
A project that began one year ago finished up last week as the printer delivered cartons of books to a local community college. Everyone is happy: the professor coordinating the poetry anthology program, the group that spearheaded the project, the poets, the printer, and of course, our design and project management team. Why are they […]
Sowing the seeds of future opportunity
Some friends have asked — why a blog after 25 years? I guess I just can’t contain myself anymore. There are so many ideas I want to share—like the peas I planted last week, they are sprouting up all over and demonstrating great promise. My marketing communications company, Sircely Marketing & Design, has operated as a […]